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What's The Best Social Media Platform For Your Yoga Business

Written by Bruce Mackay | Apr 14, 2021 2:30:00 PM

When you want to market yourself and increase your exposure, it can be difficult to know where to invest your time and energy online. Due to the number of social media platforms available nowadays, it becomes very easy to give your attention to the wrong place or spread yourself too thin. It's important to know where you'll get more views and focus on a few main platforms to enjoy the most successful marketing efforts.

Focus on Facebook

Facebook continues to take the lead with offering the most exposure and is extremely popular for brand promotion. First, do some research to determine if your customers are spending time on the site. Facebook is popular among adults over the age of 25 and has more female than male users. You can pay for ads that allow your business to become more visible on Facebook. At least 65 million businesses use this platform because of how successful it's proven to be and how easy it is to get started.

Post Videos on YouTube

This video-sharing platform makes it easy to create a free account where you can post videos of yoga poses or sessions. It's known as one of the top search engines online and also allows you to advertise! Post videos about all aspects of your brand and share them on your website to rack up more views. This can also allow you to appear more professional, personable, and trusted to your target audience.

Share Photos and Videos on Instagram

There are various ways to share content on Instagram, which allows you to become more creative and even post longer videos of your yoga sessions and tips. You also can create a business profile, which makes it easy to schedule certain posts at specific times of the day for added convenience. 

Post on Twitter

With 335 million monthly active users, Twitter is where people come to find real-time information. With 80% of social customer service requests occurring on the platform, it offers a great way of connecting with your customers and managing different types of conversations. You can utilize many of the customer service tools to ensure you increase your customer satisfaction and loyalty to your brand.


Utilizing social media will allow you to develop your brand's voice and improve your search engine rankings. This makes it easier for potential customers to discover your business. That's why it's necessary to focus on staying active on various platforms throughout the week, but this can be difficult to manage when you are doing things on your own. If you are looking for help running a marketing campaign that will get you noticed, contact our team at Yoga Marketing today!