Have you realised you’ve not been posting on social media as often as you’d like? Now you’re trying to scramble to get a quick post together to send. But where do you start? What should you post?
Here are some social media post ideas that you can post on your yoga business pages!
You can use questions to figure out what your audience is looking for from you, allowing you to figure out how you can help them and know what content works for them.
Instead of asking a question, you can also ask them to ‘fill in the blank’!
You can also ask questions/fill in the blank to gain some engagement and create a connection with your audience -
There are endless types of content that you can share on social media, all for different purposes. Some can be just for engagement, or you can use it to sell yourself!
Lighten up the timeline of your audience and share some wisdom! You can use quotes:
Or why not share your story about how you got to where you are today?
Showcase your knowledge and expertise on social media! This will allow your audience to trust you and come to you with any questions surrounding the practice.
All of these recommendations should be enough to get you started! If you just can’t choose one to post today, why not schedule multiple in advance? Preparing your posts in advance will save you time in the future.
You can use our social media starter package to schedule your posts on all platforms. The tool will also let you know what works and allow you to analyse insights.
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